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targetSdkVersion API 29 update – Australian Daily Prayer, mobile multiply, 321, Two Ways To Live & Who Will Be King?

Google has reset the minimum target for all of their apps on the play store. So today, since it was too cold to go outside, I thought I would re-roll a few of the easier apps in a new SDK. I also played with using Android App Bundles for publishing the final versions to the play store and I got to re-setup my development environment on my new PC.

The following apps now have a target for Android 10 (one version higher than the current minimum).

There are no visual improvements to these apps, which I think most of them now need. I would like to update them to a more material design (except for the Australian Daily Prayer app), but I do need to find that time. They also all have a swipe out menu from the left, and in Android 10 you can now make that gesture to mean “back”. Still, I was happy to see a few thousand active installs (devices online in the last 30 days) using my apps.

Hopefully, I will also get on and update my last two apps (OpenSpritz Bible and Inductive Bible Study). These ones are more functional than the others, and I do have more updates I would like to do. But the main issue is finding the time. Maybe we need more cold snaps.

Like always you can also find the updated APK files for these on this website.

321 targetSdkVersion API 26 update

Google Play has said they want all their apps now to be at their SDK API version 26, or Android 8.0 or Oreo. I thought I might slowly re-roll my apps to conform to this standard, starting in alphabetical order.

To update to the newer version I had to update the permission requesting, so now users are prompted at the start if they want this app to save movies to their file system. Also, a bunch of libraries have been updated, so possibly it might be quicker or more secure.

While I was updating 321 I also came across a bug that meant you could keep on clicking the download image to download your video you may not have, and every time you clicked it would queue that download again, meaning that if you click multiple times when your download was running, you could end up with the same file multiple times in your “movies” directory. I have fixed that.

I would like to also give this app a more visual overhaul, but that will require more time.

This update is now live on the Play Store and on this website. Amazon sent me an email saying they have improved their app submission process, but because of a simple click on their system, this app is now locked for review and I can’t update it till 7:30 pm tonight – even though I hadn’t even uploaded the new APK… So I might give that a pass for now…

3-2-1 app: Now in 15 languages

3-2-1 languagesA while back I stumbled upon this Welsh youTube translation of the 3-2-1 Gospel presentation. I then got back in contact with Glen Scrivener to let him know that I planed on putting this video into the android app. During the discussion I learned that there was another Welsh video in the pipeline and there was a spreadsheet that had a whole bunch of other translations in it. I then set out to add a few more languages to the 3-2-1 app. The funny thing is, that the new Welsh video never surfaced, so of the new languages, Welsh is without a video.

The other new videos are is the English one with subtitles applied down the bottom. I had the most problem with the Hindi script displaying down the bottom. Hopefully there is enough time on the screen for the words to be read on the screen.

There was also a problem with the German text, in that a small bit of one section was missing. After trying to seek out this text, in the end I just used Google Translate. I hope no one notices which bit.

I can’t read, write or speak any of these languages (apart from English), so if you can and find some issues with the text can you please let me know and pass on some suggestions on how it could be improved.

Below is a quick summary of what is in the new 3-2-1 app. Like normal, if you don’t use the Play Store, you can side load your kindle or other android device by downloading the APK from the portfolio page.

Translation content (Red is new content)

Language Video presentation Text presentation Localised images Course content Prayer & What’s next page
Spanish Subtitled
Hindi Subtitled
German Subtitled
Dutch Subtitled
Norsk Subtitled
Portuguese Subtitled
Swedish Subtitled

I am still yet to update the tablet images on the Play Store, but hopefully they will come soon.

Milestones updated

I have updated a few of the app pages with their new downloaded milestone counts for September. The new entries are:

321: 17th September 2014 – 200th download

mobile multiply: 14th September 2014 – 7,500th download

OpenSpritz Bible: 10th September 2014 – 100th download

Two Ways To Live: 17th September 2014 – 2,500th download

Thanks to all that have downloaded these apps.

I should probably point out that these stats are counting total  downloads (from the app store), not what is currently installed on people’s devices. OpenSpritz Bible is my worst app for retention with 70% of people uninstalling it.

3-2-1 app: Now in 8 languages

languagesThe 321 gospel presentation seems to be doing well, so well that it has been translated into at least 7 other languages. I have now updated the Android app to cater for these and fixed a few bugs with the videos so now they will download again. Below is a grid explaining what each language contains.

By default the app will pick up your phone’s default language, but you can change it withing the app if you want to try your hand at another.

Translation content

Language Video presentation Text presentation Localised images Course content Prayer & What’s next page
Spanish Subtitled

If you do speak these languages, I would love some feed back about the content, to make sure that the interface text, about page and store listing text  is correct. I was really relying on Google Translate for some of it, which is always a bad idea. The presentation text I got from people who had translated the material, so that hopefully should be good.

The update will be appearing on the Google Play store soon and is also on this webiste.

Uni has started again, so I am going to slow down my Android development.