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10,000 downloads for #NewCityCatechism android app!

I just want to give a big thanks to everyone who has downloaded and used the android New City Catechism app. It has just crossed over the 10,000th download. This app has a 75% retention rate, so there is over 7,500 devices that has this app presently installed.

Since putting a Spanish version, I was hoping to see a spike in Spanish downloads. However it seems since the 7th December, when the Spanish version was pushed there were already 31 users who default language was set to Spanish. On the 25th March, the day the app crossed over the 10,000 mark, there were 58 users who’s default language was Spanish.

This can also be seen on twitter with a comparison between the number of results #CatecismoNuevaCiudad gets with #NewCityCatechism. I’m not sad about this, as its not really about the numbers, but rather the people it teaches, and that can not be measured by Google stats.

10000 downloads fro NCC

Christian. Husband. Father. Son. Canberran.

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